support your sports performance with the right nutrition

It's beyond doubt that healthy nutrition is beneficial for your body. But did you know that you can also specifically use your diet to support your body during and after exercise?
As an athlete, it's especially important to include enough proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in your diet.
Proteins are the building blocks of our muscles and are necessary for both their growth and repair. During exercise, small tears occur in your muscles, which are then repaired with the help of proteins.
Therefore, it's important to support your muscles with protein after every workout. Aim for about 20 to 25 grams of protein post-exercise. You can find proteins in fish, meat, eggs, and dairy products.
Tip: Our pure protein shakes are a tasty and easy way to support your muscles after exercising. They contain an average of 20 grams of quality protein per serving and are free from colorings, flavorings, casein, and gluten.
Unsaturated fats also play a role in the proper functioning of your muscles. You can find unsaturated fats in fatty fish, avocados, nuts, and legumes. Be sure to include them in your diet 1 to 2 days per week.
Carbohydrates are an important energy source for your body and are needed during exercise. Carbohydrates are converted into glucose or blood sugar by your body, which fuels your cells and, therefore, your muscles. To know which carbohydrates to consume, it’s important to distinguish between simple and complex carbohydrates.
Simple and complex carbohydrates
In short, simple or 'fast' carbohydrates are sugars. Sugars naturally occur in fruits (fructose) and milk (lactose) but are often added to foods (sucrose or saccharose). Simple carbohydrates or sugars are quickly broken down by our bodies and converted into energy. This leads to a rapid rise in blood sugar levels and a quick—but short-lived—energy boost. Examples of simple carbohydrates that can be useful during exercise include glucose, dried fruits, or jam.
In addition to simple carbohydrates, there are also complex or 'slow' carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are chains of simple carbohydrates, which means they are broken down and absorbed more slowly by our bodies, releasing energy gradually. You can find complex carbohydrates in grain products (pasta, bread, rice, potatoes, etc.), legumes, vegetables, and fruits. Consuming them also provides you with other beneficial nutrients like fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
Tip: When choosing grain products, it’s best to opt for the 'whole grain' variety.
Which carbohydrates should you consume?
The type of carbohydrates you should consume depends on the duration of your activity. For endurance sports, it’s best to consume complex or 'slow' carbohydrates beforehand. Complex carbohydrates release energy gradually, providing fuel for a longer period. If you need a quick energy boost, such as for a short workout or during a longer session, then you can rely on simple, 'fast' carbohydrates.
If you're going for a longer training session, eat a meal with complex carbohydrates 2 to 3 hours before exercising and drink enough water (approximately 500 ml). This way, your body has sufficient energy and hydration for the effort.
If you prefer to work out immediately, eat a small meal containing both complex and simple carbohydrates about an hour beforehand for both immediate and sustained energy.
During longer training sessions, it can be beneficial to consume 'fast' carbohydrates after half an hour to an hour—depending on the intensity of the training—to quickly replenish your energy stores. It’s advised to replenish 30 to 60 grams of carbohydrates per hour during intensive training or workouts lasting more than an hour.
Carb loading can be useful the day before or a few days prior to an intensive or long-duration effort (e.g., a sports competition). During these days, you consume extra carbohydrates to increase the amount of stored glucose (energy) in your muscles. This energy can then be immediately utilized by your muscles during the effort.
support your body after exercise
Even after exercising, it’s important to support your body optimally so that your muscles, joints, and energy and electrolyte balance can recover. To help you with this, we developed GOODstuff by Elodie x RainPharma, an after-workout supplement that we created together with former professional athlete Elodie Ouédraogo. The supplement is a unique blend of proteins, collagen, vitamins, minerals, and energy sources. This way, your body can recover optimally and your muscle building is supported.
the Smart Nutrition Project
The Smart Nutrition Project is a short nutrition program that focuses on a healthy lifestyle, emphasizing sufficient exercise on one hand and pure food rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals on the other. You can also use the program to support your fitness or muscle building. Want to know more? Read our blog post about the Smart Nutrition Project.