ethos food supplements.
orthomolecular formulation
We use nutrients in the right form, with the right amount, and guarantee our supplements to work in the right way with your body.
nutrient dosages
At RainPharma, active ingredients in each supplement are orthomolecularly formulated both individually, as well as in combination with other RainPharma supplements. That is to say, each dose is well-balanced.
Some forms of vitamins and minerals are more readily absorbed by the body than others. At RainPharma, we select the most absorbable forms, so that what you take is effective. For example, Water Relax contains five forms of magnesium, each with its own specific purpose and benefit. Delightful D-fence contains vitamin D in oil-form because that’s how it is best absorbed. For each supplement, we look at the optimal form and composition.
At RainPharma, there are no surprises. In addition to the highest quality and absorbable forms, we go for honesty and transparency. No vague claims or strange mixtures, but formulas based on science.
quality and purity
RainPharma only goes for the highest quality and purity. The benefits our supplements give your health and skin give you peace of mind, too.
All RainPharma supplements are gluten-free. Gluten sensitivity can cause health problems in some, so we avoid it.
overwhelmingly vegan
We also want our products to be as plant-based as possible. We only use animal ingredients that are purely functional for which no plant-based alternative offers the same benefits. All of our supplements are vegan, with the exception of A.A.P., Dynamic Q10, Ultra Omega 3, and Omega Zen.